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博鱼·(boyu)体育官方网站-BOYU SPORTS



您的位置:阀门 - 法兰 - 美标法兰 更新时间:2024-09-20 02:09:56
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    导读:美标法兰是工业管道上的连接件,标准是ANSI B16.5,用于管端之间相互连接的必备附件,法兰盘又叫法兰凸缘盘或突缘。法兰盘由法兰、垫片...

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美标法兰是工业管道上的连接件,标准是ANSI B16.5,用于管端之间相互连接的必备附件,法兰盘又叫法兰凸缘盘或突缘。法兰盘由法兰、垫片及螺栓三者相互连接作为一组组合密封结构的可拆连接。

产品名称: 美标法兰 产品型号: ANSI B16.5
公称通径: DN15~DN600 结构形式: 圆形
公称压力: 150LB~2500.0Mpa 连接方式: 法兰
适用温度: -196~+100℃~+650℃ 制作方式: 铸造、锻造
阀体材质: 铸钢、碳钢、锻钢、不锈钢 制造标准: 美国API、ANSI
适用介质: 水、蒸汽、燃气、气体及腐蚀性液体等 生产厂家: 上海凯利科阀门有限公司


美标法兰是工业管道上的连接件,标准是ANSI B16.5,用于管端之间相互连接的必备附件,法兰盘又叫法兰凸缘盘或突缘。法兰盘由法兰、垫片及螺栓三者相互连接作为一组组合密封结构的可拆连接。



INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No K G f KG
1/2 88.90 15.75 11.18 47.75 30.23 29.21 7.37 21.34 3.05 15.75 4 60.45 35.05 1.52 0.49
3/4 98.55 20.83 12.70 52.32 38.10 31.75 7.87 26.67 3.05 15.75 4 69.85 42.93 1.52 0.72
1 107.95 26.67 14.22 55.63 49.28 33.02 8.38 33.53 3.05 15.75 4 79.25 50.80 1.52 1.03
1.1/4 117.35 35.05 15.75 57.15 58.67 33.02 8.38 42.16 4.83 15.75 4 88.90 63.50 1.52 1.34
1.1/2 127.00 40.89 17.53 61.98 65.02 35.56 8.89 48.26 6.35 15.75 4 98.55 73.15 1.52 1.74
2 152.40 52.58 19.05 63.50 77.72 35.56 8.89 60.45 7.87 19.05 4 120.65 91.95 1.52 2.6
2.1/2 177.80 62.74 22.35 69.85 90.42 38.10 9.40 73.15 7.87 19.05 4 139.70 104.65 1.52 4.17
3 190.50 77.98 23.88 69.85 107.95 36.83 9.14 88.90 9.65 19.05 4 152.40 127.00 1.52 4.99
3.1/2 215.90 90.17 23.88 71.37 122.17 38.10 9.40 101.60 9.65 19.05 8 177.80 139.70 1.52 6.18
4 228.60 102.36 23.88 76.20 134.87 41.91 10.41 114.30 11.18 19.05 8 190.50 157.23 1.52 6.97
5 254.00 128.27 23.88 88.90 163.58 52.07 12.95 141.22 11.18 22.35 8 215.90 185.67 1.52 8.71
6 279.40 154.18 25.40 88.90 192.02 50.80 12.70 168.40 12.70 22.35 8 241.30 215.90 1.52 10.72
8 342.90 202.69 28.45 101.60 246.13 58.42 14.73 219.20 12.70 22.35 8 298.45 269.75 1.52 17.69
10 406.40 254.51 30.23 101.60 304.80 57.15 14.22 273.05 12.70 25.40 12 361.95 323.85 1.52 24.25
12 482.60 304.80 31.75 114.30 365.25 66.04 16.51 323.85 12.70 25.40 12 431.80 381.00 1.52 36.93
14 533.40 336.55 35.05 127.00 400.05 73.66 18.29 355.60 12.70 28.45 12 476.25 412.75 1.52 48.88
16 596.90 387.35 36.58 127.00 457.20 72.39 18.03 406.40 12.70 28.45 16 539.75 469.90 1.52 60.47
18 635.00 438.15 39.62 139.70 504.95 80.01 20.07 457.20 12.70 31.75 16 577.85 533.40 1.52 68.37
20 698.50 488.95 42.93 144.53 558.80 81.28 20.32 508.00 12.70 31.75 20 635.00 584.20 1.52 84.60
24 812.80 590.55 47.75 152.40 663.45 83.82 20.83 609.60 12.70 35.05 20 749.30 692.15 1.52 115.33


INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No. K G f KG
1/2 95.25 15.75 14.22 52.32 38.10 30.48 7.62 21.34 3.05 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 1.52 0.76
3/4 117.35 20.83 15.75 57.15 47.75 33.12 8.28 26.67 3.05 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 1.52 1.27
1 123.95 26.67 17.53 61.98 53.85 35.56 8.89 33.53 3.05 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 1.52 1.61
1.1/4 133.35 35.05 19.05 65.02 63.50 36.78 9.19 42.16 4.83 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 1.52 2.05
1.1/2 155.45 40.89 20.57 68.33 69.85 38.20 9.55 48.26 6.35 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 1.52 2.92
2 165.10 52.58 22.35 69.85 84.07 38.00 9.50 60.45 7.87 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 1.52 3.46
2.1/2 190.50 62.74 25.40 76.20 100.08 40.64 10.16 73.15 7.87 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 1.52 5.24
3 209.55 77.98 28.45 79.25 117.35 40.64 10.16 88.90 9.65 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 1.52 6.98
3.1/2 228.60 90.17 30.23 81.03 133.35 40.64 10.16 101.60 9.65 22.35 8 184.15 139.70 1.52 8.79
4 254.00 102.36 31.75 85.85 146.05 43.28 10.82 114.30 11.18 22.35 8 200.15 157.23 1.52 11.38
5 279.40 128.27 35.05 98.55 177.80 50.80 12.70 141.22 11.18 22.35 8 234.95 185.67 1.52 15.20
6 317.50 154.18 36.58 98.55 206.25 49.58 12.40 168.40 12.70 22.35 12 269.75 215.90 1.52 19.42
8 381.00 202.69 41.15 111.25 260.35 56.08 14.02 219.20 12.70 25.40 12 330.20 269.75 1.52 30.16
10 444.50 254.51 47.75 117.35 320.55 55.68 13.92 273.05 12.70 28.45 16 387.35 323.85 1.52 43.45
12 520.70 304.80 50.80 130.05 374.65 63.40 15.85 323.85 12.70 31.75 16 450.85 381.00 1.52 62.36
14 584.20 336.55 53.85 142.75 425.45 71.12 17.78 355.60 12.70 31.75 20 514.35 412.75 1.52 86.43
16 647.70 387.35 57.15 146.05 482.60 71.12 17.78 406.40 12.70 35.05 20 571.50 469.90 1.52 107.38
18 711.20 438.15 60.45 158.75 533.40 78.64 19.66 457.20 12.70 35.05 24 628.65 533.40 1.52 132.34
20 774.70 488.95 63.50 162.05 587.25 78.84 19.71 508.00 12.70 35.05 24 685.80 584.20 1.52 159.80
24 914.40 590.55 69.85 168.15 701.55 78.64 19.66 609.60 12.70 41.15 24 812.80 692.15 1.52 231.82


INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 15.75 14.22 52.32 38.10 30.48 7.62 21.34 3.05 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 6.35 0.86
3/4 117.35 20.83 15.75 57.15 47.75 33.02 8.38 26.67 3.05 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 6.35 1.42
1 123.95 26.67 17.53 61.98 53.85 35.56 8.89 33.53 3.05 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 6.35 1.79
1.1/4 133.35 35.05 20.57 66.55 63.50 36.83 9.14 42.16 4.83 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 6.35 2.42
1.1/2 155.45 40.89 22.35 69.85 69.85 38.10 9.40 48.26 6.35 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 6.35 3.44
2 165.10 52.58 25.40 73.15 84.07 38.10 9.65 60.45 7.87 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 6.35 4.24
2.1/2 190.50 62.74 28.45 79.25 100.08 40.64 10.16 73.15 7.87 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 6.35 6.25
3 209.55 77.98 31.75 82.55 117.35 40.64 10.16 88.90 9.65 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 6.35 8.29
3.1/2 228.60 90.17 35.05 85.85 133.35 40.64 10.16 101.60 9.65 25.40 8 184.15 139.70 6.35 10.45
4 273.05 102.36 38.10 101.60 152.40 50.80 12.70 114.30 11.18 25.40 8 215.90 157.23 6.35 16.93
5 330.20 128.27 44.45 114.30 188.98 55.88 13.97 141.22 11.18 28.45 8 266.70 185.67 6.35 28.39
6 355.60 154.18 47.75 117.35 222.25 55.63 13.97 168.40 12.70 28.45 12 292.10 215.90 6.35 33.67
8 419.10 202.69 55.63 133.35 273.05 62.23 15.49 219.20 12.70 31.75 12 349.25 269.75 6.35 51.48
10 508.00 254.51 63.50 152.40 342.90 71.12 17.78 273.05 12.70 35.05 16 431.80 323.85 6.35 83.98
12 558.80 304.80 66.55 155.45 400.05 71.12 17.78 323.85 12.70 35.05 20 488.95 381.00 6.35 100.20
14 603.25 336.55 69.85 165.10 431.80 76.20 19.05 355.60 12.70 38.10 20 527.05 412.75 6.35 119.06
16 685.80 387.35 76.20 177.80 495.30 81.28 20.32 406.40 12.70 41.15 20 603.25 469.90 6.35 166.23
18 742.95 438.15 82.55 184.15 546.10 81.28 20.32 457.20 12.70 44.45 20 654.05 533.40 6.35 199.11
20 812.80 488.95 88.90 190.50 609.60 81.28 20.32 508.00 12.70 44.45 24 723.90 584.20 6.35 248.56
24 939.80 590.55 101.60 203.20 717.55 81.28 20.32 609.60 12.70 50.80 24 838.20 692.15 6.35 350.35


INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 15.80 22.35 60.45 38.10 30.48 7.62 21.34 3.05 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.87
3/4 130.05 20.93 25.40 69.85 44.45 35.56 8.89 26.67 3.05 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.52
1 149.35 26.64 28.45 73.15 52.32 35.76 8.94 33.53 3.05 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.69
1.1/4 158.75 35.05 28.45 73.15 63.50 35.76 8.94 42.16 4.83 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 4.25
1.1/2 177.80 40.89 31.75 82.55 69.85 40.64 10.16 48.26 6.35 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.88
2 215.90 52.50 38.10 101.60 104.65 50.80 12.70 60.45 7.87 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 10.71
2.1/2 244.35 62.71 41.15 104.65 123.95 50.80 12.70 73.15 7.87 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 14.77
3 241.30 77.93 38.10 101.60 127.00 50.80 12.70 88.90 9.65 25.40 8 190.50 127.00 6.35 13.36
4 292.10 102.26 44.45 114.30 158.75 55.88 13.97 114.30 11.18 31.75 8 234.95 157.23 6.35 21.97
5 349.25 128.19 50.80 127.00 190.50 60.96 15.24 141.22 11.18 35.05 8 279.40 185.67 6.35 35.25
6 381.00 154.05 55.63 139.70 234.95 67.26 16.81 168.40 12.70 31.75 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 46.05
8 469.90 202.72 63.50 162.05 298.45 78.84 19.71 219.20 12.70 38.10 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 78.46
10 546.10 254.51 69.85 184.15 368.30 91.44 22.86 273.05 12.70 38.10 16 469.90 323.85 6.35 115.36
12 609.60 304.80 79.25 200.15 419.10 96.72 24.18 323.85 12.70 38.10 20 533.40 381.00 6.35 153.16
14 641.35 336.55 85.85 212.85 450.85 101.60 25.40 355.60 12.70 41.15 20 558.80 412.75 6.35 175.51
16 704.85 387.35 88.90 215.90 508.00 101.60 25.40 406.40 12.70 44.45 20 615.95 469.90 6.35 211.04
18 787.40 438.15 101.60 228.60 565.15 101.60 25.40 457.20 12.70 50.80 20 685.80 533.40 6.35 286.11
20 857.25 488.95 107.95 247.65 622.30 111.76 27.94 508.00 12.70 53.85 20 749.30 584.20 6.35 354.75
24 1041.40 590.55 139.70 292.10 749.30 121.92 30.48 609.60 12.70 66.55 20 901.70 692.15 6.35 652.91


INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 15.80 22.35 60.45 38.10 30.48 7.62 21.34 3.05 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.87
3/4 130.05 20.93 25.40 69.85 44.45 35.56 8.89 26.67 3.05 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.52
1 149.35 26.64 28.45 73.15 52.32 35.76 8.94 33.53 3.05 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.69
1.1/4 158.75 35.05 28.45 73.15 63.50 35.76 8.94 42.16 4.83 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 4.25
1.1/2 177.80 40.89 31.75 82.55 69.85 40.64 10.16 48.26 6.35 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.88
2 215.90 52.50 38.10 101.60 104.65 50.80 12.70 60.45 7.87 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 10.71
2.1/2 244.35 62.71 41.15 104.65 123.95 50.80 12.70 73.15 7.87 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 14.77
3 266.70 77.93 47.75 117.35 133.35 55.68 13.92 88.90 9.65 31.75 8 203.20 127.00 6.35 19.54
4 311.15 102.26 53.85 123.95 162.05 56.08 14.02 114.30 11.18 35.05 8 241.30 157.23 6.35 29.24
5 374.65 128.19 73.15 155.45 196.85 65.84 16.46 141.22 11.18 41.15 8 292.10 185.67 6.35 55.88
6 393.70 154.05 82.55 171.45 228.60 71.12 17.78 168.40 12.70 38.10 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 66.35
8 482.60 202.72 91.95 212.85 292.10 96.72 24.18 219.20 12.70 44.45 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 112.30
10 584.20 254.51 107.95 254.00 368.30 116.84 29.21 273.05 12.70 50.80 12 482.60 323.85 6.35 194.72
12 673.10 304.80 123.95 282.45 450.85 126.80 31.70 323.85 12.70 53.85 16 571.50 381.00 6.35 289.88
14 749.30 336.55 133.35 298.45 495.30 132.08 33.02 355.60 12.70 60.45 16 635.00 412.75 6.35 381.82
16 825.50 387.35 146.05 311.15 552.45 132.08 33.02 406.40 12.70 66.55 16 704.85 469.90 6.35 486.99
18 914.40 438.15 162.05 327.15 596.90 132.08 33.02 457.20 12.70 73.15 16 774.70 533.40 6.35 636.33
20 984.25 488.95 177.80 355.60 641.35 142.24 35.56 508.00 12.70 79.25 16 831.85 584.20 6.35 779.14
24 1168.40 590.55 203.20 406.40 762.00 162.56 40.64 609.60 12.70 91.95 16 990.60 692.15 6.35 1238.50


INCH D B1 t T1 X t2 t1 A R h No K G f KG
1/2 133.35 15.75 30.23 73.15 42.93 34.29 8.64 21.34 3.05 22.35 4 88.90 35.05 6.35 3.12
3/4 139.70 20.83 31.75 79.25 50.80 38.10 9.40 26.67 3.05 22.35 4 95.25 42.93 6.35 3.68
1 158.75 26.67 35.05 88.90 57.15 43.18 10.67 33.53 3.05 25.40 4 107.95 50.80 6.35 5.21
1.1/4 184.15 35.05 38.10 95.25 73.15 45.72 11.43 42.16 4.83 28.45 4 130.05 63.50 6.35 7.68
1.1/2 203.20 40.89 44.45 111.25 79.25 53.34 13.46 48.26 6.35 31.75 4 146.05 73.15 6.35 10.76
2 234.95 52.58 50.80 127.00 95.25 60.96 15.24 60.45 7.87 28.45 8 171.45 91.95 6.35 15.98
2.1/2 266.70 62.74 57.15 142.75 114.30 68.58 17.02 73.15 7.87 31.75 8 196.85 104.65 6.35 23.37
3 304.80 77.98 66.55 168.15 133.35 81.28 20.32 88.90 9.65 35.05 8 228.60 127.00 6.35 35.44
4 355.60 102.36 76.20 190.50 165.10 91.44 22.86 114.30 11.18 41.15 8 273.05 157.23 6.35 54.26
5 419.10 128.27 91.95 228.60 203.20 109.22 27.43 141.22 11.18 47.75 8 323.85 185.67 6.35 90.31
6 482.60 154.18 107.95 273.05 234.95 132.08 33.02 168.40 12.70 53.85 8 368.30 215.90 6.35 139.64
8 552.45 202.69 127.00 317.50 304.80 152.40 38.10 219.20 12.70 53.85 12 438.15 269.75 6.35 208.90
10 673.10 254.51 165.10 419.10 374.65 203.20 50.80 273.05 12.70 66.55 12 539.75 323.85 6.35 397.09
12 762.00 304.80 184.15 463.55 441.45 223.52 55.88 323.85 12.70 73.15 12 619.25 381.00 6.35 562.37



INCH D B2 B1 t Y T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 88.90 22.35 15.75 11.18 9.65 15.75 30.23 15.75 4 60.45 35.05 1.52 0.41
3/4 98.55 27.69 20.83 12.70 11.18 15.75 38.10 15.75 4 69.85 42.93 1.52 0.58
1 107.95 34.54 26.67 14.22 12.70 17.53 49.28 15.75 4 79.25 50.80 1.52 0.79
1.1/4 117.35 43.18 35.05 15.75 14.22 20.57 58.67 15.75 4 88.90 63.50 1.52 1.05
1.1/2 127.00 49.53 40.89 17.53 15.75 22.35 65.02 15.75 4 98.55 73.15 1.52 1.36
2 152.40 61.98 52.58 19.05 17.53 25.40 77.72 19.05 4 120.65 91.95 1.52 2.12
2.1/2 177.80 74.68 62.74 22.35 19.05 28.45 90.42 19.05 4 139.70 104.65 1.52 3.40
3 190.50 90.68 77.98 23.88 20.57 30.23 107.95 19.05 4 152.40 127.00 1.52 4.01
3.1/2 215.90 103.38 90.17 23.88 22.35 31.75 122.17 19.05 8 177.80 139.70 1.52 4.99
4 228.60 116.08 102.36 23.88 23.88 33.27 134.87 19.05 8 190.50 157.23 1.52 5.50
5 254.00 143.76 128.27 23.88 23.88 36.58 163.58 22.35 8 215.90 185.67 1.52 6.43
6 279.40 170.69 154.18 25.40 26.92 39.62 192.02 22.35 8 241.30 215.90 1.52 7.88
8 342.90 221.49 202.69 28.45 31.75 44.45 246.13 22.35 8 298.45 269.75 1.52 12.70
10 406.40 276.35 254.51 30.23 33.27 49.28 304.80 25.40 12 361.95 323.85 1.52 17.70
12 482.60 327.15 304.80 31.75 39.62 55.63 365.25 25.40 12 431.80 381.00 1.52 27.65
14 533.40 359.16 336.55 35.05 41.40 57.15 400.05 28.45 12 476.25 412.75 1.52 36.29
16 596.90 410.46 387.35 36.58 44.45 63.50 457.20 28.45 16 539.75 469.90 1.52 47.18
18 635.00 461.77 438.15 39.62 49.28 68.33 504.95 31.75 16 577.85 533.40 1.52 51.39
20 698.50 513.08 488.95 42.93 54.10 73.15 558.80 31.75 20 635.00 584.20 1.52 64.91
24 812.80 615.95 590.55 47.75 63.50 82.55 663.45 35.05 20 749.30 692.15 1.52 90.73


INCH D B2 B1 t Y T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 15.75 14.22 9.65 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 1.52 0.67
3/4 117.35 27.69 20.83 15.75 11.18 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 1.52 1.14
1 123.95 34.54 26.67 17.53 12.70 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 1.52 1.41
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 35.05 19.05 14.22 26.92 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 1.52 1.74
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 40.89 20.57 15.75 30.23 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 1.52 2.56
2 165.10 61.98 52.58 22.35 17.53 33.27 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 1.52 3.00
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 62.74 25.40 19.05 38.10 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 1.52 4.52
3 209.55 90.68 77.98 28.45 20.57 42.93 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 1.52 6.13
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 90.17 30.23 22.35 44.45 133.35 22.35 8 184.15 139.70 1.52 7.70
4 254.00 116.08 102.36 31.75 23.88 47.75 146.05 22.35 8 200.15 157.23 1.52 10.09
5 279.40 143.76 128.27 35.05 23.88 50.80 177.80 22.35 8 234.95 185.67 1.52 12.93
6 317.50 170.69 154.18 36.58 26.92 52.32 206.25 22.35 12 269.75 215.90 1.52 16.50
8 381.00 221.49 202.69 41.15 31.75 61.98 260.35 25.40 12 330.20 269.75 1.52 25.70
10 444.50 276.35 254.51 47.75 33.27 66.55 320.55 28.45 16 387.35 323.85 1.52 36.56
12 520.70 327.15 304.80 50.80 39.62 73.15 374.65 31.75 16 450.85 381.00 1.52 52.83
14 584.20 359.16 336.55 53.85 41.40 76.20 425.45 31.75 20 514.35 412.75 1.52 72.92
16 647.70 410.46 387.35 57.15 44.45 82.55 482.60 35.05 20 571.50 469.90 1.52 92.58
18 711.20 461.77 438.15 60.45 49.28 88.90 533.40 35.05 24 628.65 533.40 1.52 113.95
20 774.70 513.08 488.95 63.50 54.10 95.25 587.25 35.05 24 685.80 584.20 1.52 140.32
24 914.40 615.95 590.55 69.85 63.50 106.43 701.55 41.15 24 812.80 692.15 1.52 209.77


INCH D B2 B1 t Y T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 15.75 14.22 9.65 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 6.35 0.77
3/4 117.35 27.69 20.83 15.75 11.18 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 6.35 1.30
1 123.95 34.54 26.67 17.53 12.70 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 6.35 1.59
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 35.05 20.57 14.22 28.45 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 6.35 2.11
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 40.89 22.35 15.75 31.75 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 6.35 3.08
2 165.10 61.98 52.58 25.40 17.53 36.58 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 6.35 3.78
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 62.74 28.45 19.05 41.15 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 6.35 5.53
3 209.55 90.68 77.98 31.75 20.57 45.97 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 6.35 7.42
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 90.17 35.05 22.35 49.28 133.35 25.40 8 184.15 139.70 6.35 9.36
4 273.05 116.08 102.36 38.10 23.88 53.85 152.40 25.40 8 215.90 157.23 6.35 15.19
5 330.20 143.76 128.27 44.45 23.88 60.45 188.98 28.45 8 266.70 185.67 6.35 25.58
6 355.60 170.69 154.18 47.75 26.92 66.55 222.25 28.45 12 292.10 215.90 6.35 30.34
8 419.10 221.49 202.69 55.63 31.75 76.20 273.05 31.75 12 349.25 269.75 6.35 45.93
10 508.00 276.35 254.51 63.50 33.27 85.85 342.90 35.05 16 431.80 323.85 6.35 74.45
12 558.80 327.15 304.80 66.55 39.62 91.95 400.05 35.05 20 488.95 381.00 6.35 89.03
14 603.25 359.16 336.55 69.85 41.40 93.73 431.80 38.10 20 527.05 412.75 6.35 104.43
16 685.80 410.46 387.35 76.20 44.45 106.43 495.30 41.15 20 603.25 469.90 6.35 150.03
18 742.95 461.77 438.15 82.55 49.28 117.35 546.10 44.45 20 654.05 533.40 6.35 183.07
20 812.80 513.08 488.95 88.90 54.10 127.00 609.60 44.45 24 723.90 584.20 6.35 232.14
24 939.80 615.95 590.55 101.60 63.50 139.70 717.55 50.80 24 838.20 692.15 6.35 328.13


INCH D B2 B1 t Y T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 15.80 22.35 9.65 31.75 38.10 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.79
3/4 130.05 27.69 20.93 25.40 11.18 35.05 44.45 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.39
1 149.35 34.54 26.64 28.45 12.70 41.15 52.32 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.53
1.1/4 158.75 43.18 35.05 28.45 14.22 41.15 63.50 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 4.03
1.1/2 177.80 49.53 40.89 31.75 15.75 44.45 69.85 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.55
2 215.90 61.98 52.50 38.10 17.53 57.15 104.65 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 10.16
2.1/2 244.35 74.68 62.71 41.15 19.05 63.50 123.95 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 14.16
3 266.70 90.68 77.93 47.75 20.57 73.15 133.35 31.75 8 203.20 127.00 6.35 18.73
4 311.15 116.08 102.26 53.85 23.88 90.42 162.05 35.05 8 241.30 157.23 6.35 29.08
5 374.65 143.76 128.19 73.15 23.88 104.65 196.85 41.15 8 292.10 185.67 6.35 54.20
6 393.70 170.69 154.05 82.55 26.92 119.13 228.60 38.10 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 64.38
8 482.60 221.49 202.72 91.95 31.75 142.75 292.10 44.45 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 108.83
10 584.20 276.35 254.51 107.95 33.27 158.75 368.30 50.80 12 482.60 323.85 6.35 184.81
12 673.10 327.15 304.80 123.95 39.62 180.85 450.85 53.85 16 571.50 381.00 6.35 277.09



INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 88.90 22.35 11.18 15.75 30.23 15.75 15.75 4 60.45 35.05 1.52 0.40
3/4 98.55 27.69 12.70 15.75 38.10 15.75 15.75 4 69.85 42.93 1.52 0.57
1 107.95 34.54 14.22 17.53 49.28 17.53 15.75 4 79.25 50.80 1.52 0.78
1.1/4 117.35 43.18 15.75 20.57 58.67 20.57 15.75 4 88.90 63.50 1.52 1.02
1.1/2 127.00 49.53 17.53 22.35 65.02 22.35 15.75 4 98.55 73.15 1.52 1.33
2 152.40 61.98 19.05 25.40 77.72 25.40 19.05 4 120.65 91.95 1.52 2.07
2.1/2 177.80 74.68 22.35 28.45 90.42 28.45 19.05 4 139.70 104.65 1.52 3.31
3 190.50 90.68 23.88 30.23 107.95 30.23 19.05 4 152.40 127.00 1.52 3.88
3.1/2 215.90 103.38 23.88 31.75 122.17 31.75 19.05 8 177.80 139.70 1.52 4.84
4 228.60 116.08 23.88 33.27 134.87 33.27 19.05 8 190.50 157.23 1.52 5.32
5 254.00 143.76 23.88 36.58 163.58 36.58 22.35 8 215.90 185.67 1.52 6.10
6 279.40 170.69 25.40 39.62 192.02 39.62 22.35 8 241.30 215.90 1.52 7.46
8 342.90 221.49 28.45 44.45 246.13 44.45 22.35 8 298.45 269.75 1.52 12.07
10 406.40 276.35 30.23 49.28 304.80 49.28 25.40 12 361.95 323.85 1.52 16.56
12 482.60 327.15 31.75 55.63 365.25 55.63 25.40 12 431.80 381.00 1.52 26.26
14 533.40 359.16 35.05 57.15 400.05 57.15 28.45 12 476.25 412.75 1.52 34.76
16 596.90 410.46 36.58 63.50 457.20 63.50 28.45 16 539.75 469.90 1.52 45.02
18 635.00 461.77 39.62 68.33 504.95 68.33 31.75 16 577.85 533.40 1.52 48.90
20 698.50 513.08 42.93 73.15 558.80 73.15 31.75 20 635.00 584.20 1.52 62.07
24 812.80 615.95 47.75 82.55 663.45 82.55 35.05 20 749.30 692.15 1.52 87.13


INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 1.52 0.65
3/4 117.35 27.69 15.75 25.40 47.75 15.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 1.52 1.11
1 123.95 34.54 17.53 26.92 53.85 17.53 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 1.52 1.37
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 19.05 26.92 63.50 20.57 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 1.52 1.69
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 20.57 30.23 69.85 22.35 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 1.52 2.49
2 165.10 61.98 22.35 33.27 84.07 28.45 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 1.52 2.89
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 25.40 38.10 100.08 31.75 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 1.52 4.33
3 209.55 90.68 28.45 42.93 117.35 31.75 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 1.52 5.83
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 30.23 44.45 133.35 36.58 22.35 8 184.15 139.70 1.52 7.36
4 254.00 116.08 31.75 47.75 146.05 36.58 22.35 8 200.15 157.23 1.52 9.65
5 279.40 143.76 35.05 50.80 177.80 42.93 22.35 8 234.95 185.67 1.52 12.23
6 317.50 170.69 36.58 52.32 206.25 45.97 22.35 12 269.75 215.90 1.52 15.6
8 381.00 221.49 41.15 61.98 260.35 50.80 25.40 12 330.20 269.75 1.52 24.22
10 444.50 276.35 47.75 66.55 320.55 55.63 28.45 16 387.35 323.85 1.52 34.18
12 520.70 327.15 50.80 73.15 374.65 60.45 31.75 16 450.85 381.00 1.52 49.91
14 584.20 359.16 53.85 76.20 425.45 63.50 31.75 20 514.35 412.75 1.52 69.54
16 647.70 410.46 57.15 82.55 482.60 68.33 35.05 20 571.50 469.90 1.52 88.25
18 711.20 461.77 60.45 88.90 533.40 69.85 35.05 24 628.65 533.40 1.52 108.76
20 774.70 513.08 63.50 95.25 587.25 73.15 35.05 24 685.80 584.20 1.52 134.18
24 914.40 615.95 69.85 106.43 701.55 82.55 41.15 24 812.80 692.15 1.52 201.66


INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 6.35 0.74
3/4 117.35 27.69 15.75 25.40 47.75 15.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 6.35 1.25
1 123.95 34.54 17.53 26.92 53.85 17.53 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 6.35 1.53
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 20.57 28.45 63.50 20.57 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 6.35 2.02
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 22.35 31.75 69.85 22.35 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 6.35 2.97
2 165.10 61.98 25.40 36.58 84.07 28.45 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 6.35 3.62
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 28.45 41.15 100.08 31.75 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 6.35 5.24
3 209.55 90.68 31.75 45.97 117.35 35.05 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 6.35 7.00
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 35.05 49.28 133.35 39.62 25.40 8 184.15 139.70 6.35 8.84
4 273.05 116.08 38.10 53.85 152.40 41.15 25.40 8 215.90 157.23 6.35 14.52
5 330.20 143.76 44.45 60.45 188.98 47.75 28.45 8 266.70 185.67 6.35 24.47
6 355.60 170.69 47.75 66.55 222.25 50.80 28.45 12 292.10 215.90 6.35 28.82
8 419.10 221.49 55.63 76.20 273.05 57.15 31.75 12 349.25 269.75 6.35 43.43
10 508.00 276.35 63.50 85.85 342.90 65.02 35.05 16 431.80 323.85 6.35 70.23
12 558.80 327.15 66.55 91.95 400.05 69.85 35.05 20 488.95 381.00 6.35 83.92
14 603.25 359.16 69.85 93.73 431.80 60.45 38.10 20 527.05 412.75 6.35 98.74
16 685.80 410.46 76.20 106.43 495.30 77.72 41.15 20 603.25 469.90 6.35 142.27
18 742.95 461.77 82.55 117.35 546.10 79.25 44.45 20 654.05 533.40 6.35 173.32
20 812.80 513.08 88.90 127.00 609.60 82.55 44.45 24 723.90 584.20 6.35 220.33
24 939.80 615.95 101.60 139.70 717.55 91.95 50.80 24 838.20 692.15 6.35 312.53


INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.75
3/4 130.05 27.69 25.40 35.05 44.45 25.40 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.33
1 149.35 34.54 28.45 41.15 52.32 28.45 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.43
1.1/4 158.75 43.18 28.45 41.15 63.50 30.23 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 3.90
1.1/2 177.80 49.53 31.75 44.45 69.85 31.75 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.38
2 215.90 61.98 38.10 57.15 104.65 38.10 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 9.85
2.1/2 244.35 74.68 41.15 63.50 123.95 47.75 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.65
3 241.30 90.68 38.10 53.85 127.00 41.15 25.40 8 190.50 127.00 6.35 11.61
4 292.10 116.08 44.45 69.85 158.75 47.75 31.75 8 234.95 157.23 6.35 19.76
5 349.25 143.76 50.80 79.25 190.50 53.85 35.05 8 279.40 185.67 6.35 31.93
6 381.00 170.69 55.63 85.85 234.95 57.15 31.75 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 41.19
8 469.90 221.49 63.50 101.60 298.45 63.50 38.10 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 70.75
10 546.10 276.35 69.85 107.95 368.30 71.37 38.10 16 469.90 323.85 6.35 100.58
12 609.60 327.15 79.25 117.35 419.10 76.20 38.10 20 533.40 381.00 6.35 132.70
14 641.35 359.16 85.85 130.05 450.85 82.55 41.15 20 558.80 412.75 6.35 153.37
16 704.85 410.46 88.90 133.35 508.00 85.85 44.45 20 615.95 469.90 6.35 184.90
18 787.40 461.77 101.60 152.40 565.15 88.90 50.80 20 685.80 533.40 6.35 258.51
20 857.25 513.08 107.95 158.75 622.30 91.95 53.85 20 749.30 584.20 6.35 317.19
24 1041.40 615.95 139.70 203.20 749.30 101.60 66.55 20 901.70 692.15 6.35 606.21


INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.75
3/4 130.05 27.69 25.40 35.05 44.45 25.40 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.33
1 149.35 34.54 28.45 41.15 52.32 28.45 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.43
1.1/4 158.75 43.18 28.45 41.15 63.50 30.23 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 3.90
1.1/2 177.80 49.53 31.75 44.45 69.85 31.75 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.38
2 215.90 61.98 38.10 57.15 104.65 38.10 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 9.85
2.1/2 244.35 74.68 41.15 63.50 123.95 47.75 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.65
3 266.70 90.68 47.75 73.15 133.35 50.80 31.75 8 203.20 127.00 6.35 17.95
4 311.15 116.08 53.85 90.42 162.05 57.15 35.05 8 241.30 157.23 6.35 27.73
5 374.65 143.76 73.15 104.65 196.85 63.50 41.15 8 292.10 185.67 6.35 51.93
6 393.70 170.69 82.55 119.13 228.60 69.85 38.10 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 61.09
8 482.60 221.49 91.95 142.75 292.10 76.20 44.45 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 103.07
10 584.20 276.35 107.95 158.75 368.30 84.07 50.80 12 482.60 323.85 6.35 175.39
12 673.10 327.15 123.95 180.85 450.85 91.95 53.85 16 571.50 381.00 6.35 264.24


INCH D B2 t T2 X Q h No K G f KG
1/2 133.35 22.35 30.23 39.62 42.93 28.45 22.35 4 88.90 35.05 6.35 2.96
3/4 139.70 27.69 31.75 42.93 50.80 31.75 22.35 4 95.25 42.93 6.35 3.45
1 158.75 34.54 35.05 47.75 57.15 35.05 25.40 4 107.95 50.80 6.35 4.85
1.1/4 184.15 43.18 38.10 52.32 73.15 38.10 28.45 4 130.05 63.50 6.35 7.16
1.1/2 203.20 49.53 44.45 60.45 79.25 44.45 31.75 4 146.05 73.15 6.35 10.03
2 234.95 61.98 50.80 69.85 95.25 50.80 28.45 8 171.45 91.95 6.35 14.85
2.1/2 266.70 74.68 57.15 79.25 114.30 57.15 31.75 8 196.85 104.65 6.35 21.49
3 304.80 90.68 66.55 91.95 133.35 63.50 35.05 8 228.60 127.00 6.35 32.52
4 355.60 116.08 76.20 107.95 165.10 69.85 41.15 8 273.05 157.23 6.35 49.85
5 419.10 143.76 91.95 130.05 203.20 76.20 47.75 8 323.85 185.67 6.35 82.90
6 482.60 170.69 107.95 152.40 234.95 82.55 53.85 8 368.30 215.90 6.35 128.01
8 552.45 221.49 127.00 177.80 304.80 95.25 53.85 12 438.15 269.75 6.35 187.97
10 673.10 276.35 165.10 228.60 374.65 107.95 66.55 12 539.75 323.85 6.35 355.51
12 762.00 327.15 184.15 254.00 441.45 120.65 73.15 12 619.25 381.00 6.35 504.15



INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R KG
1/2 88.90 22.86 11.18 15.75 30.23 15.75 4 60.45 3.05 0.45
3/4 98.55 28.19 12.70 15.75 38.10 15.75 4 69.85 3.05 0.63
1 107.95 35.05 14.22 17.53 49.28 15.75 4 79.25 3.05 0.85
1.1/4 117.35 43.69 15.75 20.57 58.67 15.75 4 88.90 4.83 1.10
1.1/2 127.00 50.04 17.53 22.35 65.02 15.75 4 98.55 6.35 1.42
2 152.40 62.48 19.05 25.40 77.72 19.05 4 120.65 7.87 2.18
2.1/2 177.80 75.44 22.35 28.45 90.42 19.05 4 139.70 7.87 3.47
3 190.50 91.44 23.88 30.23 107.95 19.05 4 152.40 9.65 4.03
3.1/2 215.90 104.14 23.88 31.75 122.17 19.05 8 177.80 9.65 5.04
4 228.60 116.84 23.88 33.27 134.87 19.05 8 190.50 11.18 5.52
5 254.00 144.53 23.88 36.58 163.58 22.35 8 215.90 11.18 6.29
6 279.40 171.45 25.40 39.62 192.02 22.35 8 241.30 12.70 7.65
8 342.90 222.25 28.45 44.45 246.13 22.35 8 298.45 12.70 12.36
10 406.40 277.37 30.23 49.28 304.80 25.40 12 361.95 12.70 16.88
12 482.60 328.17 31.75 55.63 365.25 25.40 12 431.80 12.70 26.78
14 533.40 360.17 35.05 79.25 400.05 28.45 12 476.25 12.70 39.61
16 596.90 411.23 36.58 87.38 457.20 28.45 16 539.75 12.70 51.80
18 635.00 462.28 39.62 96.77 504.95 31.75 16 577.85 12.70 56.90
20 698.50 514.35 42.93 103.12 558.80 31.75 20 635.00 12.70 71.48
24 812.80 615.95 47.75 111.25 663.45 35.05 20 749.30 12.70 99.36


INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R Kg
1/2 95.25 22.86 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 3.05 0.71
3/4 117.35 28.19 15.75 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 3.05 1.21
1 123.95 35.05 17.53 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 3.05 1.47
1.1/4 133.35 43.69 19.05 26.92 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 4.83 1.80
1.1/2 155.45 50.04 20.57 30.23 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 6.35 2.64
2 165.10 62.48 22.35 33.27 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 7.87 3.03
2.1/2 190.50 75.44 25.40 38.10 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 7.87 4.50
3 209.55 91.44 28.45 42.93 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 9.65 6.02
3.1/2 228.60 104.14 30.23 44.45 133.35 22.35 8 184.15 9.65 7.58
4 254.00 116.84 31.75 47.75 146.05 22.35 8 200.15 11.18 9.93
5 279.40 144.53 35.05 50.80 177.80 22.35 8 234.95 11.18 12.53
6 317.50 171.45 36.58 52.32 206.25 22.35 12 269.75 12.70 16.03
8 381.00 222.25 41.15 61.98 260.35 25.40 12 330.20 12.70 24.69
10 444.50 277.37 47.75 95.25 320.55 28.45 16 387.35 12.70 39.27
12 520.70 328.17 50.80 101.60 374.65 31.75 16 450.85 12.70 56.37
14 584.20 360.17 53.85 111.25 425.45 31.75 20 514.35 12.70 81.70
16 647.70 411.23 57.15 120.65 482.60 35.05 20 571.50 12.70 104.55
18 711.20 462.28 60.45 130.05 533.40 35.05 24 628.65 12.70 128.26
20 774.70 514.35 63.50 139.70 587.25 35.05 24 685.80 12.70 157.57
24 914.40 615.95 69.85 152.40 701.55 41.15 24 812.80 12.70 236.59


INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R KG
1/2 95.25 22.86 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 3.05 0.71
3/4 117.35 28.19 15.75 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 3.05 1.21
1 123.95 35.05 17.53 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 3.05 1.47
1.1/4 133.35 43.69 20.57 28.45 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 4.83 1.93
1.1/2 155.45 50.04 22.35 31.75 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 6.35 2.85
2 165.10 62.48 25.40 36.58 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 7.87 3.42
2.1/2 190.50 75.44 28.45 41.15 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 7.87 5.00
3 209.55 91.44 31.75 45.97 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 9.65 6.65
3.1/2 228.60 104.14 35.05 49.28 133.35 25.40 8 184.15 9.65 8.44
4 273.05 116.84 38.10 53.85 152.40 25.40 8 215.90 11.18 14.02
5 330.20 144.53 44.45 60.45 188.98 28.45 8 266.70 11.18 23.84
6 355.60 171.45 47.75 66.55 222.25 28.45 12 292.10 12.70 28.03
8 419.10 222.25 55.63 76.20 273.05 31.75 12 349.25 12.70 42.34
10 508.00 277.37 63.50 111.25 342.90 35.05 16 431.80 12.70 75.18
12 558.80 328.17 66.55 117.35 400.05 35.05 20 488.95 12.70 90.25
14 603.25 360.17 69.85 127.00 431.80 38.10 20 527.05 12.70 108.34
16 685.80 411.23 76.20 139.70 495.30 41.15 20 603.25 12.70 155.44
18 742.95 462.28 82.55 152.40 546.10 44.45 20 654.05 12.70 188.45
20 812.80 514.35 88.90 165.10 609.60 44.45 24 723.90 12.70 241.40
24 939.80 615.95 101.60 184.15 717.55 50.80 24 838.20 12.70 345.76


INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R KG
1/2 120.65 22.86 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 4 82.55 3.05 1.71
3/4 130.05 28.19 25.40 35.05 44.45 22.35 4 88.90 3.05 2.28
1 149.35 35.05 28.45 41.15 52.32 25.40 4 101.60 3.05 3.36
1.1/4 158.75 43.69 28.45 41.15 63.50 25.40 4 111.25 4.83 3.80
1.1/2 177.80 50.04 31.75 44.45 69.85 28.45 4 123.95 6.35 5.25
2 215.90 62.48 38.10 57.15 104.65 25.40 8 165.10 7.87 9.65
2.1/2 244.35 75.44 41.15 63.50 123.95 28.45 8 190.50 7.87 13.39
3 241.30 91.44 38.10 53.85 127.00 25.40 8 190.50 9.65 11.26
4 292.10 116.84 44.45 69.85 158.75 31.75 8 234.95 11.18 19.24
5 349.25 144.53 50.80 79.25 190.50 35.05 8 279.40 11.18 31.28
6 381.00 171.45 55.63 85.85 234.95 31.75 12 317.50 12.70 40.36
8 469.90 222.25 63.50 114.30 298.45 38.10 12 393.70 12.70 72.71
10 546.10 277.37 69.85 127.00 368.30 38.10 16 469.90 12.70 105.98
12 609.60 328.17 79.25 142.75 419.10 38.10 20 533.40 12.70 141.37
14 641.35 360.17 85.85 155.45 450.85 41.15 20 558.80 12.70 162.69
16 704.85 411.23 88.90 165.10 508.00 44.45 20 615.95 12.70 199.75
18 787.40 462.28 101.60 190.50 565.15 50.80 20 685.80 12.70 280.10
20 857.25 514.35 107.95 209.55 622.30 53.85 20 749.30 12.70 351.28
24 1041.40 615.95 139.70 266.70 749.30 66.55 20 901.70 12.70 673.58


INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R Kg
1/2 120.65 22.86 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 4 82.55 3.05 1.71
3/4 130.05 28.19 25.40 35.05 44.45 22.35 4 88.90 3.05 2.28
1 149.35 35.05 28.45 41.15 52.32 25.40 4 101.60 3.05 3.36
1.1/4 158.75 43.69 28.45 41.15 63.50 25.40 4 111.25 4.83 3.8
1.1/2 177.80 50.04 31.75 44.45 69.85 28.45 4 123.95 6.35 5.2
2 215.90 62.48 38.10 57.15 104.65 25.40 8 165.10 7.87 9.65
2.1/2 244.35 75.44 41.15 63.50 123.95 28.45 8 190.50 7.87 13.39
3 266.70 91.44 47.75 73.15 133.35 31.75 8 203.20 9.65 17.5
4 311.15 116.84 53.85 90.42 162.05 35.05 8 241.30 11.18 27.19
5 374.65 144.53 73.15 104.65 196.85 41.15 8 292.10 11.18 51.2
6 393.70 171.45 82.55 119.13 228.60 38.10 12 317.50 12.70 60.22
8 482.60 222.25 91.95 142.75 292.10 44.45 12 393.70 12.70 101.84
10 584.20 277.37 107.95 177.80 368.30 50.80 12 482.60 12.70 180.62
12 673.10 328.17 123.95 218.95 450.85 53.85 16 571.50 12.70 284.45
14 749.30 360.17 133.35 241.30 495.30 60.45 16 635.00 12.70 383.82
16 825.50 411.23 146.05 260.35 552.45 66.55 16 704.85 12.70 493.43
18 914.40 462.28 162.05 276.35 596.90 73.15 16 774.70 12.70 636.81
20 984.25 514.35 177.80 292.10 641.35 79.25 16 831.85 12.70 765.21
24 1168.40 615.95 203.20 330.20 762.00 91.95 16 990.60 12.70 1223.07


INCH D B3 t T3 X h No K R KG
1/2 133.35 22.86 30.23 39.62 42.93 22.35 4 88.90 3.05 2.92
3/4 139.70 28.19 31.75 42.93 50.80 22.35 4 95.25 3.05 3.40
1 158.75 35.05 35.05 47.75 57.15 25.40 4 107.95 3.05 4.78
1.1/4 184.15 43.69 38.10 52.32 73.15 28.45 4 130.05 4.83 7.06
1.1/2 203.20 50.04 44.45 60.45 79.25 31.75 4 146.05 6.35 9.90
2 234.95 62.48 50.80 69.85 95.25 28.45 8 171.45 7.87 14.65
2.1/2 266.70 75.44 57.15 79.25 114.30 31.75 8 196.85 7.87 21.22
3 304.80 91.44 66.55 91.95 133.35 35.05 8 228.60 9.65 32.13
4 355.60 116.84 76.20 107.95 165.10 41.15 8 273.05 11.18 49.2
5 419.10 144.53 91.95 130.05 203.20 47.75 8 323.85 11.18 82.18
6 482.60 171.45 107.95 152.40 234.95 53.85 8 368.30 12.70 127.08
8 552.45 222.25 127.00 177.80 304.80 53.85 12 438.15 12.70 186.68
10 673.10 277.37 165.10 228.60 374.65 66.55 12 539.75 12.70 353.60
12 762.00 328.17 184.15 254.00 441.45 73.15 12 619.25 12.70 501.61



INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 88.90 11.18 15.75 4 60.45 35.05 1.52 0.42
3/4 98.55 12.70 15.75 4 69.85 42.93 1.52 0.62
1 107.95 14.22 15.75 4 79.25 50.80 1.52 0.86
1.1/4 117.35 15.75 15.75 4 88.90 63.50 1.52 1.16
1.1/2 127.00 17.53 15.75 4 98.55 73.15 1.52 1.54
2 152.40 19.05 19.05 4 120.65 91.95 1.52 2.43
2.1/2 177.80 22.35 19.05 4 139.70 104.65 1.52 3.98
3 190.50 23.88 19.05 4 152.40 127.00 1.52 4.95
3.1/2 215.90 23.88 19.05 8 177.80 139.70 1.52 6.21
4 228.60 23.88 19.05 8 190.50 157.23 1.52 7.04
5 254.00 23.88 22.35 8 215.90 185.67 1.52 8.67
6 279.40 25.40 22.35 8 241.30 215.90 1.52 11.34
8 342.90 28.45 22.35 8 298.45 269.75 1.52 19.54
10 406.40 30.23 25.40 12 361.95 323.85 1.52 28.85
12 482.60 31.75 25.40 12 431.80 381.00 1.52 43.33
14 533.40 35.05 28.45 12 476.25 412.75 1.52 58.41
16 596.90 36.58 28.45 16 539.75 469.90 1.52 76.28
18 635.00 39.62 31.75 16 577.85 533.40 1.52 93.60
20 698.50 42.93 31.75 20 635.00 584.20 1.52 122.62
24 812.80 47.75 35.05 20 749.30 692.15 1.52 185.79


INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 14.22 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 1.52 0.64
3/4 117.35 15.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 1.52 1.10
1 123.95 17.53 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 1.52 1.40
1.1/4 133.35 19.05 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 1.52 1.80
1.1/2 155.45 20.57 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 1.52 2.65
2 165.10 22.35 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 1.52 3.21
2.1/2 190.50 25.40 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 1.52 4.86
3 209.55 28.45 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 1.52 6.78
3.1/2 228.60 30.23 22.35 8 184.15 139.70 1.52 8.73
4 254.00 31.75 22.35 8 200.15 157.23 1.52 11.51
5 279.40 35.05 22.35 8 234.95 185.67 1.52 15.63
6 317.50 36.58 22.35 12 269.75 215.90 1.52 20.93
8 381.00 41.15 25.40 12 330.20 269.75 1.52 34.26
10 444.50 47.75 28.45 16 387.35 323.85 1.52 53.61
12 520.70 50.80 31.75 16 450.85 381.00 1.52 78.84
14 584.20 53.85 31.75 20 514.35 412.75 1.52 105.20
16 647.70 57.15 35.05 20 571.50 469.90 1.52 137.53
18 711.20 60.45 35.05 24 628.65 533.40 1.52 175.73
20 774.70 63.50 35.05 24 685.80 584.20 1.52 221.27
24 914.40 69.85 41.15 24 812.80 692.15 1.52 339.61


INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 14.22 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 6.35 0.76
3/4 117.35 15.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 6.35 1.27
1 123.95 17.53 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 6.35 1.60
1.1/4 133.35 20.57 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 6.35 2.23
1.1/2 155.45 22.35 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 6.35 3.26
2 165.10 25.40 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 6.35 4.14
2.1/2 190.50 28.45 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 6.35 6.09
3 209.55 31.75 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 6.35 8.44
3.1/2 228.60 35.05 25.40 8 184.15 139.70 6.35 10.94
4 273.05 38.10 25.40 8 215.90 157.23 6.35 17.27
5 330.20 44.45 28.45 8 266.70 185.67 6.35 29.46
6 355.60 47.75 28.45 12 292.10 215.90 6.35 36.1
8 419.10 55.63 31.75 12 349.25 269.75 6.35 58.94
10 508.00 63.50 35.05 16 431.80 323.85 6.35 97.44
12 558.80 66.55 35.05 20 488.95 381.00 6.35 123.72
14 603.25 69.85 38.10 20 527.05 412.75 6.35 150.89
16 685.80 76.20 41.15 20 603.25 469.90 6.35 213.69
18 742.95 82.55 44.45 20 654.05 533.40 6.35 271.96
20 812.80 88.90 44.45 24 723.90 584.20 6.35 349.47
24 939.80 101.60 50.80 24 838.20 692.15 6.35 533.21


INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.78
3/4 130.05 25.40 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.41
1 149.35 28.45 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.56
1.1/4 158.75 28.45 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 4.13
1.1/2 177.80 31.75 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.76
2 215.90 38.10 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 10.07
2.1/2 244.35 41.15 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.9
3 241.30 38.10 25.40 8 190.50 127.00 6.35 13.10
4 292.10 44.45 31.75 8 234.95 157.23 6.35 22.14
5 349.25 50.80 35.05 8 279.40 185.67 6.35 36.47
6 381.00 55.63 31.75 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 47.46
8 469.90 63.50 38.10 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 82.47
10 546.10 69.85 38.10 16 469.90 323.85 6.35 122.54
12 609.60 79.25 38.10 20 533.40 381.00 6.35 173.07
14 641.35 85.85 41.15 20 558.80 412.75 6.35 206.46
16 704.85 88.90 44.45 20 615.95 469.90 6.35 259.29
18 787.40 101.60 50.80 20 685.80 533.40 6.35 367.18
20 857.25 107.95 53.85 20 749.30 584.20 6.35 463.86
24 1041.40 139.70 66.55 20 901.70 692.15 6.35 876.56


INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.78
3/4 130.05 25.40 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.41
1 149.35 28.45 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.56
1.1/4 158.75 28.45 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 4.13
1.1/2 177.80 31.75 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.76
2 215.90 38.10 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 10.07
2.1/2 244.35 41.15 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.93
3 266.70 47.75 31.75 8 203.20 127.00 6.35 19.20
4 311.15 53.85 35.05 8 241.30 157.23 6.35 29.85
5 374.65 73.15 41.15 8 292.10 185.67 6.35 58.54
6 393.70 82.55 38.10 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 71.85
8 482.60 91.95 44.45 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 121.44
10 584.20 107.95 50.80 12 482.60 323.85 6.35 210.64
12 673.10 123.95 53.85 16 571.50 381.00 6.35 316.46
14 749.30 133.35 60.45 16 635.00 412.75 6.35 420.20
16 825.50 146.05 66.55 16 704.85 469.90 6.35 558.45
18 914.40 162.05 73.15 16 774.70 533.40 6.35 760.98
20 984.25 177.80 79.25 16 831.85 584.20 6.35 965.15
24 1168.40 203.20 91.95 16 990.60 692.15 6.35 1559.56


INCH D t h No K G f KG
1/2 133.35 30.23 22.35 4 88.90 35.05 6.35 2.99
3/4 139.70 31.75 22.35 4 95.25 42.93 6.35 3.50
1 158.75 35.05 25.40 4 107.95 50.80 6.35 4.99
1.1/4 184.15 38.10 28.45 4 130.05 63.50 6.35 7.36
1.1/2 203.20 44.45 31.75 4 146.05 73.15 6.35 10.42
2 234.95 50.80 28.45 8 171.45 91.95 6.35 15.59
2.1/2 266.70 57.15 31.75 8 196.85 104.65 6.35 22.65
3 304.80 66.55 35.05 8 228.60 127.00 6.35 34.72
4 355.60 76.20 41.15 8 273.05 157.23 6.35 54.01
5 419.10 91.95 47.75 8 323.85 185.67 6.35 90.58
6 482.60 107.95 53.85 8 368.30 215.90 6.35 141.39
8 552.45 127.00 53.85 12 438.15 269.75 6.35 214.58
10 673.10 165.10 66.55 12 539.75 323.85 6.35 411.18
12 762.00 184.15 73.15 12 619.25 381.00 6.35 592.02



INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 88.90 22.35 11.18 15.75 30.23 15.75 4 60.45 35.05 1.52 0.40
3/4 98.55 27.69 12.70 15.75 38.10 15.75 4 69.85 42.93 1.52 0.57
1 107.95 34.54 14.22 17.53 49.28 15.75 4 79.25 50.80 1.52 0.78
1.1/4 117.35 43.18 15.75 20.57 58.67 15.75 4 88.90 63.50 1.52 1.02
1.1/2 127.00 49.53 17.53 22.35 65.02 15.75 4 98.55 73.15 1.52 1.33
2 152.40 61.98 19.05 25.40 77.72 19.05 4 120.65 91.95 1.52 2.07
2.1/2 177.80 74.68 22.35 28.45 90.42 19.05 4 139.70 104.65 1.52 3.31
3 190.50 90.68 23.88 30.23 107.95 19.05 4 152.40 127.00 1.52 3.88
3.1/2 215.90 103.38 23.88 31.75 122.17 19.05 8 177.80 139.70 1.52 4.84
4 228.60 116.08 23.88 33.27 134.87 19.05 8 190.50 157.23 1.52 5.32
5 254.00 143.76 23.88 36.58 163.58 22.35 8 215.90 185.67 1.52 6.10
6 279.40 170.69 25.40 39.62 192.02 22.35 8 241.30 215.90 1.52 7.46
8 342.90 221.49 28.45 44.45 246.13 22.35 8 298.45 269.75 1.52 12.07
10 406.40 276.35 30.23 49.28 304.80 25.40 12 361.95 323.85 1.52 16.56
12 482.60 327.15 31.75 55.63 365.25 25.40 12 431.80 381.00 1.52 26.26
14 533.40 359.16 35.05 57.15 400.05 28.45 12 476.25 412.75 1.52 34.76
16 596.90 410.46 36.58 63.50 457.20 28.45 16 539.75 469.90 1.52 45.02
18 635.00 461.77 39.62 68.33 504.95 31.75 16 577.85 533.40 1.52 48.90
20 698.50 513.08 42.93 73.15 558.80 31.75 20 635.00 584.20 1.52 62.07
24 812.80 615.95 47.75 82.55 663.45 35.05 20 749.30 692.15 1.52 87.13


INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 1.52 0.65
3/4 117.35 27.69 15.75 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 1.52 1.11
1 123.95 34.54 17.53 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 1.52 1.37
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 19.05 26.92 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 1.52 1.6
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 20.57 30.23 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 1.52 2.4
2 165.10 61.98 22.35 33.27 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 1.52 2.89
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 25.40 38.10 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 1.52 4.33
3 209.55 90.68 28.45 42.93 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 1.52 5.83
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 30.23 44.45 133.35 22.35 8 184.15 139.70 1.52 7.36
4 254.00 116.08 31.75 47.75 146.05 22.35 8 200.15 157.23 1.52 9.65
5 279.40 143.76 35.05 50.80 177.80 22.35 8 234.95 185.67 1.52 12.23
6 317.50 170.69 36.58 52.32 206.25 22.35 12 269.75 215.90 1.52 15.66
8 381.00 221.49 41.15 61.98 260.35 25.40 12 330.20 269.75 1.52 24.22
10 444.50 276.35 47.75 66.55 320.55 28.45 16 387.35 323.85 1.52 34.18
12 520.70 327.15 50.80 73.15 374.65 31.75 16 450.85 381.00 1.52 49.91
14 584.20 359.16 53.85 76.20 425.45 31.75 20 514.35 412.75 1.52 69.54
16 647.70 410.46 57.15 82.55 482.60 35.05 20 571.50 469.90 1.52 88.25
18 711.20 461.77 60.45 88.90 533.40 35.05 24 628.65 533.40 1.52 108.76
20 774.70 513.08 63.50 95.25 587.25 35.05 24 685.80 584.20 1.52 134.18
24 914.40 615.95 69.85 106.43 701.55 41.15 24 812.80 692.15 1.52 201.66


INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 95.25 22.35 14.22 22.35 38.10 15.75 4 66.55 35.05 6.35 0.74
3/4 117.35 27.69 15.75 25.40 47.75 19.05 4 82.55 42.93 6.35 1.25
1 123.95 34.54 17.53 26.92 53.85 19.05 4 88.90 50.80 6.35 1.53
1.1/4 133.35 43.18 20.57 28.45 63.50 19.05 4 98.55 63.50 6.35 2.02
1.1/2 155.45 49.53 22.35 31.75 69.85 22.35 4 114.30 73.15 6.35 2.97
2 165.10 61.98 25.40 36.58 84.07 19.05 8 127.00 91.95 6.35 3.62
2.1/2 190.50 74.68 28.45 41.15 100.08 22.35 8 149.35 104.65 6.35 5.24
3 209.55 90.68 31.75 45.97 117.35 22.35 8 168.15 127.00 6.35 7.00
3.1/2 228.60 103.38 35.05 49.28 133.35 25.40 8 184.15 139.70 6.35 8.84
4 273.05 116.08 38.10 53.85 152.40 25.40 8 215.90 157.23 6.35 14.52
5 330.20 143.76 44.45 60.45 188.98 28.45 8 266.70 185.67 6.35 24.47
6 355.60 170.69 47.75 66.55 222.25 28.45 12 292.10 215.90 6.35 28.82
8 419.10 221.49 55.63 76.20 273.05 31.75 12 349.25 269.75 6.35 43.43
10 508.00 276.35 63.50 85.85 342.90 35.05 16 431.80 323.85 6.35 70.23
12 558.80 327.15 66.55 91.95 400.05 35.05 20 488.95 381.00 6.35 83.92
14 603.25 359.16 69.85 93.73 431.80 38.10 20 527.05 412.75 6.35 98.74
16 685.80 410.46 76.20 106.43 495.30 41.15 20 603.25 469.90 6.35 142.27
18 742.95 461.77 82.55 117.35 546.10 44.45 20 654.05 533.40 6.35 173.32
20 812.80 513.08 88.90 127.00 609.60 44.45 24 723.90 584.20 6.35 220.33
24 939.80 615.95 101.60 139.70 717.55 50.80 24 838.20 692.15 6.35 312.53


INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.75
3/4 130.05 27.69 25.40 35.05 44.45 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.33
1 149.35 34.54 28.45 41.15 52.32 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.43
1.1/4 158.75 43.18 28.45 41.15 63.50 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 3.90
1.1/2 177.80 49.53 31.75 44.45 69.85 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.38
2 215.90 61.98 38.10 57.15 104.65 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 9.85
2.1/2 244.35 74.68 41.15 63.50 123.95 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.65
3 241.30 90.68 38.10 53.85 127.00 25.40 8 190.50 127.00 6.35 11.61
4 292.10 116.08 44.45 69.85 158.75 31.75 8 234.95 157.23 6.35 19.76
5 349.25 143.76 50.80 79.25 190.50 35.05 8 279.40 185.67 6.35 31.93
6 381.00 170.69 55.63 85.85 234.95 31.75 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 41.19
8 469.90 221.49 63.50 101.60 298.45 38.10 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 70.75
10 546.10 276.35 69.85 107.95 368.30 38.10 16 469.90 323.85 6.35 100.58
12 609.60 327.15 79.25 117.35 419.10 38.10 20 533.40 381.00 6.35 132.70
14 641.35 359.16 85.85 130.05 450.85 41.15 20 558.80 412.75 6.35 153.37
16 704.85 410.46 88.90 133.35 508.00 44.45 20 615.95 469.90 6.35 184.90
18 787.40 461.77 101.60 152.40 565.15 50.80 20 685.80 533.40 6.35 258.51
20 857.25 513.08 107.95 158.75 622.30 53.85 20 749.30 584.20 6.35 317.19
24 1041.40 615.95 139.70 203.20 749.30 66.55 20 901.70 692.15 6.35 606.21


INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 120.65 22.35 22.35 31.75 38.10 22.35 4 82.55 35.05 6.35 1.75
3/4 130.05 27.69 25.40 35.05 44.45 22.35 4 88.90 42.93 6.35 2.33
1 149.35 34.54 28.45 41.15 52.32 25.40 4 101.60 50.80 6.35 3.43
1.1/4 158.75 43.18 28.45 41.15 63.50 25.40 4 111.25 63.50 6.35 3.90
1.1/2 177.80 49.53 31.75 44.45 69.85 28.45 4 123.95 73.15 6.35 5.38
2 215.90 61.98 38.10 57.15 104.65 25.40 8 165.10 91.95 6.35 9.85
2.1/2 244.35 74.68 41.15 63.50 123.95 28.45 8 190.50 104.65 6.35 13.65
3 266.70 90.68 47.75 73.15 133.35 31.75 8 203.20 127.00 6.35 17.95
4 311.15 116.08 53.85 90.42 162.05 35.05 8 241.30 157.23 6.35 27.73
5 374.65 143.76 73.15 104.65 196.85 41.15 8 292.10 185.67 6.35 51.93
6 393.70 170.69 82.55 119.13 228.60 38.10 12 317.50 215.90 6.35 61.09
8 482.60 221.49 91.95 142.75 292.10 44.45 12 393.70 269.75 6.35 103.07
10 584.20 276.35 107.95 158.75 368.30 50.80 12 482.60 323.85 6.35 175.39
12 673.10 327.15 123.95 180.85 450.85 53.85 16 571.50 381.00 6.35 264.24


INCH D B2 t T2 X h No K G f KG
1/2 133.35 22.35 30.23 39.62 42.93 22.35 4 88.90 35.05 6.35 2.96
3/4 139.70 27.69 31.75 42.93 50.80 22.35 4 95.25 42.93 6.35 3.45
1 158.75 34.54 35.05 47.75 57.15 25.40 4 107.95 50.80 6.35 4.85
1.1/4 184.15 43.18 38.10 52.32 73.15 28.45 4 130.05 63.50 6.35 7.1
1.1/2 203.20 49.53 44.45 60.45 79.25 31.75 4 146.05 73.15 6.35 10.0
2 234.95 61.98 50.80 69.85 95.25 28.45 8 171.45 91.95 6.35 14.85
2.1/2 266.70 74.68 57.15 79.25 114.30 31.75 8 196.85 104.65 6.35 21.49
3 304.80 90.68 66.55 91.95 133.35 35.05 8 228.60 127.00 6.35 32.52
4 355.60 116.08 76.20 107.95 165.10 41.15 8 273.05 157.23 6.35 49.85
5 419.10 143.76 91.95 130.05 203.20 47.75 8 323.85 185.67 6.35 82.90
6 482.60 170.69 107.95 152.40 234.95 53.85 8 368.30 215.90 6.35 128.01
8 552.45 221.49 127.00 177.80 304.80 53.85 12 438.15 269.75 6.35 187.97
10 673.10 276.35 165.10 228.60 374.65 66.55 12 539.75 323.85 6.35 355.51
12 762.00 327.15 184.15 254.00 441.45 73.15 12 619.25 381.00 6.35 504.15


STOCK FINISH: The most widely used of any gasket finish, because, practically, is suitable for
all ordinary service conditions. This is a continuous spiral groove. Flanges sizes 12” and smaller,
are produced with a 1/16” round-nosed tool at a feed of 1/32” per revolution. For sizes 14” and
larger, the finish is made with 1/8” round-nosed tool at a feed of 3/64” per revolution.
SPIRAL SERRATED OR PHONOGRAPHIC: This finish is produced by using a 90 Degree
Celsius included-angle《V》tool, making a spiral grove 1/64” deep with a feed of 1/32”.
CONCENTRIC SERRATED: This finish a produced by using a 90 Degree Celsius
included-angle 《V》 tool, making concentric groove 1/64” deep and 1/32” apart.
SMOOTH FINISH: This finish is produced by several shapes of tools cutting at speeds and
feeds which leave no definite tool marks apparent to the naked eye.
Either a serrated-concentric or serrated-spiral finish having from 24 to 40 grooves per inch is used.
The cutting tool employed has an approximate 0.06 in. or large radius. The resultant surface finish
has a 500 microinch (12.5 µm) appropriate roughness.
The gasket contact surface does not exceed 125 microinch (3.2µm) roughness.
The inside wall surface of gasket groove does not exceed 63 microinch (1.6µm) roughness.
Blind flanges need not be faced in the center if, when this center part I raised, its diameter is at
least 1 in. smaller than the inside diameter of fittings of the corresponding pressure class. When
the center part is depressed, its diameter is not greater than the inside diameter of the
corresponding pressure class fittings. Machining of the depressed center is not required.



When the thickness of the hub at the bevel is greater than that of the pipe to which the flange is joined and the additional thickness is provided on the outside diameter, a taper weld having a slop not exceeding 1 to 3 may be employed or, alternatively, the greater outside diameter may be tapered, at the same maximum slope or less, from a point on the welding bevel equal to the OD at the mating pipe. Similarly, when the greater thickness is provided on the inside of the flange, it shall be taper-bored from the welding end at a slopw not exceeding 1 to 3.
When flanges covered by this standard are intended for services with light wall, higher strength pipe, the
thickness of the hub at the bevel may be greater than that of the pipe to which the flange is joined. Under
these conditions a single taper hub may be provided and the outside diameter of the hub at the base
(Dimension X) may also be modified.
The additional thickness may e provided on either inside or outside or partially on each side, but the total
additional thickness shall not exceed one-half times the nominal wall thickness of intended mating pipe.
(1) When the materials joined have equal minimum specified yield strength, there shall be no restriction on the minimum slope.
(2) Neither t1, t2, nor their sum (t1+t2) shall exceed 0.5t.
(3) When the minimum specified yield strengths of the sections to be joined are unequal, the value of tDshall at least equal t times the ratio of minimum specified yield strength of the pipe to minimum specified yield strength of the flange.


ANSI B16.5 FORGED FLANGES Dimensions in inches

Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500
1/2 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.875 0.875 1.125
3/4 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 1.000 1.000 1.250
1 0.688 0.688 0.688 0.688 1.125 1.125 1.375
11/4 0.813 0.813 0.813 0.813 1.188 1.860 1.500
11/2 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 1.250 1.250 1.750
2 1.000 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.500 1.500 2.000
21/2 1.125 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.875 1.875 2.250
3 1.186 1.250 1.375 1.375 1.625 2.000 2.500
31/2 1.250 1.438 1.563 1.563 - - -
4 1.313 1.438 1.438 1.625 1.875 2.250 2.750
5 1.438 1.688 1.688 1.875 2.125 2.500 3.000
6 1.563 1.813 1.813 2.000 2.250 2.750 3.250
8 1.750 2.000 2.000 2.375 2.500 3.000 3.750
10 1.938 2.188 2.188 2.563 2.813 3.313 4.250
12 2.188 2.375 2.375 2.750 3.000 3.625 4.750
14 2.250 2.500 2.500 2.875 3.250 -  -
16 2.500 2.688 2.688 3.063 3.375 -  -
18 2.688 2.750 2.750 3.125 3.500 -  -
20 2.750 2.875 2.875 3.250 3.625 - -
24 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.625 4.000 - -
(1) Expect flanges with Small Male/ Female Face (on pipe end), threaded flanges, have an American National Standard taper pipe thread conforming to ANSI B2.1
(2) The thread is concentric with the axis of the flange and variations in alignment do not exceed 0.06 in. per foot (0.5 percent).
(3) Class 150 flanges are made without counterbore. The threads are chamfered approximately to the major diameter of the thread at the back of the flange at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the axis of the thread. The chamfer is concentric with the thread and included in the measurement of the thread length.
(4) Class 300 and higher pressure flanges are made with a counterbore at the back of the flange. The threads are chamfered to the diameter of the counterbore at an angle of appropriately 45 degrees with the axis of the thread. The counterbore and chamfer are concentric with the thread.
(5) The minimum length of effective thread in reducing flanges is at least equal to dimension Q of the corresponding class of threaded flange as shown in the above tables. Threads do not necessarily extend to the face to the flange.



Ouside Diameter W hen O.D. is 24” or less ±1/16”(1.6mm)*
W hen O.D. is Over 24” ±1/8”(3.2mm)*
Inside Diameter Threaded W ithin limits on boring gauge
Socket-Welding, Slip-on and Lap Joint 10” & Smaller
12” & Larger
+1/16” (1.6mm),-0”
Outside Diameter of Hub 5” and Smaller +3/32” (2.4mm)*
-1/32” (0.8mm)
6” and Larger +5/32” (4.0mm)
-1/32” (0.8mm)
Diameter of Contract Face 1/16” Raised Fac ±1/32” (0.8mm)
1/4” Raised Face Tongue & Groove Male, Fem ale ±1/64” (0.4mm)
Diameter of Counterbore Same as for  Inside Diameter
Drilling Bolt Circle ±1/16” (1.6mm)
Bolt Hole Spacin ±1/32” (0.8mm)
  Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with Respect to Facing 21/2” Smaller
1/32” (0.8mm) Max.
3” & Larger
1/16” (1.6mm) Max.
Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with Respect to Bore 1/32” (0.8mm) Max.*
Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with Respect to Bore 1/32” (0.8mm) Max.*
Thicknes 18” and Smaller +1/8” (3.2mm).-0”
20” and Larger +3/16” (4.8mm),-0”
Thru Hub
10” and Smaller ±1/16” (1.6mm)
12” and Larger ±1/8” (3.2mm)
Note: *This tolerance is not covered in ANSI B16.5, but maker’s option.



W hen O.D. is 24” or less ±1/16”(1.6mm)*
W hen O.D. is Over 24” ±1/8”(3.2mm)*
10” and Smaller ±1/32” (0.8mm)
12” thru 18” ±1/16” (1.6mm)
20” and Larger ±1/8”(3.2mm)
-1/16” (1.6mm)
Diameter of Contract Face 1/16” Raised Face ±1/32” (0.8mm)
1/4” Raised Face Tongue &
Groove Male, Female
±1/64” (0.4mm)
Diameter of Hub at Base W hen Hub Base is 24” or
±1/16 (1.6mm)*
W hen Hub Base is Over 24” ±1/8” (3.2mm)*
Diameter of Hub at
Point of W elding
5” and Smaller +3/32” (2.4mm),
-1/32” (0.8mm)
6” and Larger +5/32” (4.0mm)
-1/32” (0.8mm)
Drilling Bolt Circle ±1/16” (1.6mm)
Bolt Hole Spacing ±1/32” (0.8mm)
Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with
Respect to Facing
21/2” Smaller
1/32” (0.8mm) Max.
3” & Larger
1/16” (1.6mm) Max.
Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with Respect to Bore 1/32” (0.8mm) Max.*
Eccentricity of Bolt Circle with Respect to Bore 1/32” (0.8mm) Max.*
Thicknes 18” and Smaller +1/8” (3.2mm).-0”
20” and Larger +3/16” (4.8mm),-0”
10” and Smaller ±1/16” (1.6mm)
LengthThru Hub 12” and Larger ±1/8” (3.2mm)


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